
Master Blaster Lyrics

Battle cry
This hunger got heaven under fire
Talks of war burning out sun
Now waiting for the thunder
Sky rising to darkness
free falling into space

I'm ready, take me into the light
(I'm scared)
All alone with detraction
To the sound of a blast son
Souls crying out for justice!

I'm gonna (ride)
Ride on to the place where all things await

Take a sip of light
Transform myself once again
With my hands and I send my spirit to the sky line
Can't stop me now
cant' stop me now
God speed

Master Blaster
Master Blaster

Can't stop me now
Can't stop me now
God speed

Don’t turn to the sound of a life time
(So glorious)
It’s the sound of a life time
To come out and face us
I’m with you
(Right) by the night to the place where darkness beats light

One more sip of light
And transform myself once again
With my hands and I send my spirit to the sky line
Can't stop me now
Cant' stop me now
God speed

Master Blaster
Master Blaster

La letra no es oficial, así que hasta que no salga el single y vea la letra no la traduciré. Pero tal como suena se parece mucho, no sé si habrá mucha diferencia. Cuando se filtre la letra oficial la pondré.

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